DevOps Solution Provider

We are the best cloud and DevOps solution provider. We offer agile DevOps solutions, DevOps automation, infrastructure automation, cloud infrastructure management and more.


devops solutions

Agile DevOps Solution

DevOps, to us at Penguin Technology, is a culture as well as practice. It streamlines software development in order to ensure that products are shipped in a timely fashion with no errors. Working with this notion, every DevOps project we deliver focuses on the seamless adoption and integration of DevOps solutions into your software development process. Our goal is to help you achieve a streamlined delivery pipeline in order to beef up product delivery and efficiency.

Typical DevOps Process

A streamlined software development practice, DevOps operates on the concept of using four essential components for building a stable and agile delivery process. Preferably referred to as the essential 4 Cs, continuous planning, testing, integration and delivery, in order of chronology, are what make DevOps DevOps.


devops solutions

Bridging Development Operation Gap

We are the #1 cloud and DevOps solution provider. Our DevOps engineers have unmatched proficiency in optimizing each phase of DevOps solutions for the best outcome. From continuous planning to delivery | development, we bridge the gap between development and operation, fostering collaboration and thus enhancing the quality of software as a product.


CI CD Automation

Speaking of quality, this is subject to the efficiency of a continuous delivery pipeline. This is where automation of various tasks comes into play. Hence, DevOps CI CD ensures seamless workflow through orchestration of automated builds, tests and deployments.


Understanding the critical role of automation, we offer the best DevOps solutions and DevOps CI CD automation services, focusing on error-free delivery. We create an enabling environment for collaboration so that contributions from various teams are efficiently rolled into one stable and error-free solution.



DevOps Automation: Continuous Deployment

We at Penguin Technology understand that what makes good DevOps solutions good are stability as well as agility of continuous deployment – most critical component of a DevOps. For fast and uninterrupted deployments, we offer DevOps infrastructure automation and real-time service monitoring. With proactive monitoring and on-demand provisioning of infrastructure cum resources, our services boost operation and ensures parallel performance 24*7.


DevOps Solutions: Security Hardening

In addition to that, we take delivery as well as deployment stability up a notch through robust enterprise-grade security. Our security implementation incorporates automated testing based on the threat model we design relative to a given DevOps. In other words, using a threat that is designed specifically for a project, allows us to test and harden security according to the demand of a project.


Customized DevOps Solution Provider

With Penguin Technology, personalizing DevOps solutions goes beyond security and covers an entire project. From continuous planning to final deployment, we place emphasis on customization according to the needs of customers. Our personalized approach considers seamless integration of devOps into a given environment. This way, the entire DevOps process is optimized for peak efficiency.


Benefits of Choosing Technology:

  • >>    Reliable & dedicated DevOps solution provider
  • >>    Personalized approach for best outcome
  • >>    Stable and uninterrupted software delivery
  • >>    Efficient team collaboration
  • >>    Timely delivery of error-free products
  • >>    Affordability & cost-efficiency
  • >>    Full-stack cloud & DevOps solution provider


To gain a competitive edge in a competitive market requires agile DevOps solutions. Under the hood of software development is innovation. At Penguin Technology, we are all about innovation, offering solutions that give your product competitive market advantage.


DevOps Tools

We plan, choose the right tools and approach and then execute projects according to plan. If you are looking to hire DevOps engineers, Penguin Technology’s DevOps and software engineers are the best for every project irrespective of project size. Their unmatched expertise in various DevOps and Cloud deployment tools plus dedication to your project ensures the best results. And as part of our custom approach, we use the right tools for every project.



Reliable DevOps Service Provider

We believe that working hand in gloves with you will help you get more done in less time with our devOps solutions. Whether your existing operation currently uses DevOps or you’re freshly adopting it, your partnership with us will boost your operation by a long shot.

Choose Penguin Technology, get the best DevOps solutions for relatively decent cost.