Server AMC support
Penguin Technology is trusted by businesses in Okhla because our AMC server management support ensures their infrastructure operates seamlessly throughout the year. The AMC offering offers round-the-clock, proactive and holistic server administration -- continuous monitoring, routine maintenance, and proactive fault remediation to prevent downtime and IT disasters.
Dedicated server support
Our dedicated server support offering ensures the fast deployment of experts to locations such as Okhla, Noida, Noilda, Gurgaon and Faridabad where we have good local presence for reliable on-premise support. We also ensure that our engineers are available to you and would respond fast to all your server needs when you opt for our dedicated server support in Okhla.
Fully managed server support
With Penguin Technology being your server management support company in Okhla, you can achieve a smooth infrastructure operation as well overall productivity boost in your business. The fully managed server support ensures that our engineers are working professionally and reliably to keep your infrastructure -- be it on-premise or on cloud -- operating in full capacity, ensuring continuity and stability.
Online Technical support
Opting for Penguin Technology's online server support for your business or organization ensures speed and proactive resolution of all your server or infrastructure needs. We practice zero escalation of customer request to ensure a customer is directly attended to by experts preventing delays in resolving their server related queries and issues.